Monday, February 23, 2009

The Child of Necessity

For too long I have held onto an idea that would relieve the unnecessary pain and suffering of millions of Americans. I have come to realize that I personally lack the resources and time to develop, manufacture, and pitch this inspired product to those who so desperately need it. If it were possible for me to receive a sizable tax deduction for the charitable gift of this concept to a people in need, that would be good. As this is not the case, I have decided simply to surrender my intellectual property rights to this original idea. In this spirit of generosity, I am setting my personal dream free and am donating it…to the highest bidder.

I am now speaking directly at you consumers who own cats. I sympathize with the hurt you get when sweet little Tabby needs to be trotted off to see the vet. I feel your pain when, with great difficulty, you force your treasured feline into her wire mesh carrier. For this emotional experience, with its desperate struggle, uncounted injuries, and incessant yowling, I give you: The Cat Funnel.

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